
Shipping costs, discounts and packaging sustainability

Terms of delivery

Shipping costs within Germany

5,50 € (incl. 19% VAT).
Free shipping for 10 kg roasted coffee or espresso and above.

Shipping abroad

Generally, our foreign price list (see below) applies depending on your order's gross weight (including packaging).


As a rule, your order will be shipped by UPS.
Within Hamburg, delivery by cargo bike is possible.

Payment, payment period and discount

Delivery on account or direct debit.
The invoice is included in your shipment. Payment period: within 14 days. Please don't forget to transfer the money after your shipment arrives!

We grant a 2% discount for direct debit, please state your account number.
As of now, direct debit is only possible within Germany.

Quantity discount

20 kg roasted coffee and more: 2% discount
50 kg roasted coffee and more: 5% discount
100 kg roasted coffee and more: 7,5% discount
250 kg roasted coffee and more: 10% discount

Resale discount

Café Libertad is not available in supermarkets or chain stores. As a direct distributor, we don't include a resale discount or similar premium in our price. Bookstores, world shops or other retail units which fit and support the notion of solidary trade, implement their premium for the service of supplying our coffee locally. Every shop and location has its realities and particular costs that have to be covered.

Collection discount: 10% discount on cash and carry ex-warehouse for 5 kg roasted coffee and more.

Notice: Discounts don't apply to books subject to legally fixed book prices (BuchPrG).

»Packaging philosophy«

For ecological reasons, we are recycling cardboard boxes and other packaging materials. In addition to old Taz newspapers (many thanks to Taz  Hamburg!) We are also re-using the plastic sheets of wrapped palettes, corrugated cardboard and sheets of paper previously lining the inside of containers being unloaded at our warehouse.

German coffee tax

Deliveries within the EU (documented export to an EU member state) with valid VAT numbers can be subject to reimbursement of German coffee tax of € 2,19 per kg. Your valid VAT number can be checked at VIAS (EU Commission's VAT Information Exchange System).

Foreign price list

Prices for shipping abroad are calculated automatically after registering on our webshop during your order, depending on your destination country. If your desired destination is not included in the system, please send an email. Prices are based on our shipping provider UPS' tariffs, depending on the weight and quantity of required parcels.

Austria | Österreich

23 kg — 11.70 €
46 kg — 23.40 €
69 kg — 35.10 €
92 kg — 46.80 €
115 kg — 58.50 €
138 kg — 70.20 €
161 kg — 81.90 €
184 kg — 93.60 €
207 kg — 105.30 €

Belgium | Belgien

23 kg — 10.44 €
46 kg — 20.88 €
69 kg — 31.32 €
92 kg — 41.76 €
115 kg — 52.20 €
138 kg — 62.64 €

Czech Republic | Tschechien

23 kg — 10.44 €
46 kg — 20.88 €
69 kg — 31.32 €
92 kg — 41.76 €

Denmark | Dänemark

23 kg — 10.44 €
46 kg — 20.88 €
69 kg — 31.32 €
92 kg — 41.76 €
115 kg — 52.20 €
138 kg — 62.64 €

Estonia | Estland

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Finland | Finnland

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

France | Frankreich

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Greece | Griechenland

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Hungary | Ungarn

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Ireland | Irland

25 kg — 18 €
50 kg — 36 €
75 kg — 54 €

Italy | Italien

25 kg — 18 €
50 kg — 36 €
75 kg — 54 €

Latvia | Lettland

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Lithuania | Litauen

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Luxembourg | Luxemburg

23 kg — 10.44 €
46 kg — 20.88 €
69 kg — 31.32 €

Netherlands | Niederlande

23 kg — 10.44 €
46 kg — 20.88 €
69 kg — 31.32 €
92 kg — 41.76 €
115 kg — 52.20 €
138 kg — 62.64 €
161 kg — 73.08 €

Norway | Norwegen

23 kg — 16.66 €
46 kg — 33.32 €
69 kg — 49.98 €

Poland | Polen

23 kg — 12.46 €
46 kg — 24.92 €
69 kg — 37.38 €
92 kg — 49.84 €
115 kg — 62.30 €
138 kg — 74.76 €
161 kg — 87.22 €
184 kg — 99.68 €

Portugal | Portugal

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Republic of Cyprus | Zypern (Republik Zypern)

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €
92 kg — 72 €
115 kg — 90 €

Slovakia | Slowakei

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Slovenia | Slowenien

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €
92 kg — 49.84 €
115 kg — 62.30 €

Spain | Spanien

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Sweden | Schweden

23 kg — 18 €
46 kg — 36 €
69 kg — 54 €

Switzerland | Schweiz

3 kg — 26.99 €
8 kg — 34.99 €
17 kg — 48.99 €
23 kg — 62.99 €

United Kingdom | Großbritannien

3 kg — 26.99 €
8 kg — 34.99 €
17 kg — 48.99 €
23 kg — 62.99 €

European Deforestation Regulation

The new EU regulation disregards the realities of Indigenous small-scale farmers and cooperatives. It is undermining their means of existence and aggravating land conflicts and repression. » more

Armed attack on coffee cooperative

A paramilitary assault on Zapatista structures is an expression of the escalation in Chiapas, which is being fuelled by Mexican and European legislation. » more

Report on the social situation in Mexico

In Mexico, repression and struggles against mega projects are increasing. A "civilising crisis" encompasses the region, an indigenous delegation reports. » more

Declaration of Solidarity: Stop the war against Zapatista communities!

The situation in Chiapas is escalating and paramilitary attacks are increasing. In the Zapatista community of Moisés y Gandhi, one person was seriously injured by gunfire. » more

New coffee harvest 2023

With the new harvest, our warehouses are filling up again with raw coffee, also from new cooperatives. Soon all 5kg bulk packs will be available again and we can recalculate our sales prices. » more

Resistance against mega project in the Philippines

Interview with an anarchist environmentalist campaigning against the hydropower station and dam project. » more

More favourable terms for orders from abroad

While prices are rising everywhere as a result of war and crises, we can now offer better conditions for international shipping. Domestic shipping costs remain stable. » more

New harvest, new prices

As the new harvest is arriving and raw coffee prices for small-scale farmers' coops have improved considerably, we now have to increase our sales prices as well. » more

Teaser Teaser
The idea of Zapatism

»For a world where there is space for many worlds« is one of the messages from the Lacandonian djungle » more