Zapatista coffee cooperatives

Yachil Xojobal Chulchán and Yochin Tayel Kinal

Yachil Xojobal Chulchán

The cooperative's name means 'New light in the sky' in Tzotzil. It is situated in Caracol Oventik near San Cristobal de las Casas, where, in the nineties, the Zapatista revolt had started and the renowned peace negotiations were held in nearby San Andres. Here in Oventik, also the boots factory can be found.
Yachil has been one of the first Zapatista coffee cooperatives. This coop is organising about 700 farmers. The coop's Mesa Directiva has seven members who are working honorarily as Cargo - as usual in Zapatista organisations. This structure is exchanged regularly to prevent the development of informal hierarchies. Among others, Bourbon, Cattura, Arabe and Gernica are cultivated. Besides certified organic coffee for export, coffee for the local market is produced as well. There is a Bodega for coffee processing and storage and a small office in the Caracol. Three years ago, the coop has established another office in San Cristobal de las Casas.

Yochin Tayel Kinal

The Zapatista cooperative Yochin Tayel Kinal (from indigenous Tzeltal 'We are coming to work the earth') is situated in the Southern Mexican region Chiapas and has been established in 2000 as Sociedad de Producción Rural, SPR, (cooperative of rural production). Yochin's 350 farmers and members originate from the Altamirano, Chilón, San Juan Cancuc, Oxchuc und Ococingo provinces belonging to Zapatista Caracol IV in the Morelia community in Altamirano province.

More information on the organisation of Zapatista coffee cooperatives

Zapatista communities in South Mexican Chiapas